
PHY 2006 CE MC Q.17+Q26+Q39





問PHY 2006 CE MC Q.17+Q26+Q39 可唔可以解釋下個答案點黎? THANKS


17)A (1)這是Maths 來的。如果在y-x graph 出現一條經過origin 的直線,y 就會 directly proportional to x .上圖中 的直線經過原點, 所以λdirectly proportional to 1/f , 即λinversely protional to x <----也是maths ,(1)對 (2) Slope=λ/(1/f)=λf=v,所以(2)對 (3)不能deduce得到,如果要知道speed 是否depend on frequency,應要keep λ為constant並改變f的值,再看看speed 有否因f 改變而改變。上述實驗只是改變λ和f 的值,speed 無論怎樣也是不變。所以不能deduce 出speed 是否depend on frequency 26)C 如果the filament of bulb Z breaks,no current flows through Z but it only flows through Y and X.Hence X and Y are connected in series .Y 和Z唔再connect in parallel,所以equivalent resistance 增加,流經X 的current 也因此而減少。For X,By P=I^2 R, R是X 的 resistance,I 是流經X 的current ,因為I 減少,所以P減少,brightness decreases For Y,原本流經Y 的current 是總current 的一半,但如果Z 的filament breaks,流經Y 的current 是總current,唔駛分一半俾Z,所以流經Y的current 增加,brightness increases. 39)C 我們是可以用已有知識得出答案的! For Earth wire,書中提及Earth wire 是接地的,當Earth wire touches the metal body of the applicance,會有large current flows through earth wire 從而將fuse 燒熔。即係話Earth wire 要 touch 到metal body 才會有current流過,所以 Earth wire 的current 是零 For neutral wire,如果你有看書的話會發現live wire 和 neutral wire 都會connect to the power source(雖然neutral wire 的voltage 是零這個事實令人有點不明白),所以neutral wire 的current 也是2A,voltage 是 0 2009-04-16 22:17:42 補充: The earth wire is only connectedto the metal body,not the live wire.Only when the live wire touches the metal body,the earth wire is connected to the power source so a current will flow through earth wire. 2009-04-16 22:17:45 補充: In normal situation,The earth wire is not connectedto the live wire ,so no current flows through


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