The answer is no - A will must be signed and witnessed by 2 witnesses: http://www.hkclic.org/tc/topics/probate/making_a_will/q1.shtml Also, there are other bigger issues: 1. Life insurance proceeds are usually exempted from will and probate. In other words, if your estate is only the proceeds from your life insurance upon your death, your beneficiary designation on file with the insurance company supersedes the will, unless you have specifically instructed the proceeds to be included into your estate. This makes your purposes moot. 2. Based on your information, your will lacks contingency. In short, in case of anything happened to your sister after your death, but before your daughter reaches 30, it is possible that the proceeds will be back under the guardianship of her father. My advice is you should talk to your agent and see if a trust can be set up for the proceeds. In the case when the estate is only insurance proceeds, the insurance company is the best place to look for solutions.
你呢份"遺囑",有幾個問題. 第一,30係太遲,萬一個女係等,累左佢,萬一佢都係敗哂,更加難重頭再黎. 第二,能否執行就只靠你妹妹,你死左,除左佢,邊個知? 第三,你老公會好討厭你個女. 你諗清楚,你最重要係幫個女成長,而唔係到佢30都仲為佢憂慮生活,更何況,根本唔係多錢,換成係供佢讀書好過比左佢啦.|||||key - 你在沒有見証人下立既, 並無效用. 所以, 如果你真係想攪, 就去律師樓整一份正式既, 對於你健康方面, 有冇去睇醫生? 因為血壓低而易暈, 唔算係咩大事.... 可以係食物/ 運動上予以補足.|||||不如搵律師行搞啦, 收費由 $1,xxx - $5,000 不等, 視乎內容的複雜性.|||||自 立 遺 囑 必 需 要 符 合《遺 囑 條 例》第 5 條 的 規 定: 必需至少有兩位合適的見證人來見證立遺囑人簽署或承認簽署有關遺囑,只要年滿18歲的普通人及不可以是該遺囑的預定受益人或其配偶,即可出任為見證人了。