I am 44 and husband 56,and i decide not to have child
i really don't like to but his sisters constently pressure him so they can help to take care. They are jobless right now. My husband trust them more than any one else in the universe. We are married 4 years,both never married. what should i do? he said he is so unlucky to be with me. I really cannot take... 顯示更多 i really don't like to but his sisters constently pressure him so they can help to take care. They are jobless right now. My husband trust them more than any one else in the universe. We are married 4 years,both never married. what should i do? he said he is so unlucky to be with me. I really cannot take this responsibility physically financially and mentally. is divorce the only solution?if you are a man,will you force me to have kid?
No, not when you're 44!! Well, first of all, for this small little problem to get divorce is a very silly thing to do. Secondly, tell that "sisters" to get lost, where the heck they come from to pressure your husband to have a child or not!! are they gonna be taking care of the kid? as you said, they're not even working, who are they to make you to do thing that you don't want, and plus this is the problem btw u and your husband.Thirdly, doesn't your husband have his own mind? Did he ever ask himself if he really wants a kid? Lastly, haven't you guys talked about this before you were married? This is a very important thing~~ what you guys are gonna do is to sit and talk about what happens when you have a kid, list all the physical, financial, and mental problems you have to him and make him understand!! and the last thing i wanna say is that it's quite dangerous to have a kid at the age of 44, it's a little too old, think about the health of the baby.
首先,別想得那麼灰.你們只是暫時意見分歧而已.離婚也不是解決問題的好方法. 你老公相信他的姊妹是很正常的,他們在同樣環境下長大,自然意見多少也會相同. 你要和你老公心平氣和坐下談一談,說出你的擔憂,在談之前,你想想 如他有解決辦法,你會為他生小孩嗎? 如他只說生下來自有辦法,你又會否為他冒險嗎? 其實,他想生小孩,再多的困難也會去面對;正如你不想生,就有很多的理由. 所以... 問題是...你愛他嗎?會為他嗎? 當然,反過來就是...他會為你而不要小孩嗎? 好好談談吧,你們的問題,是沒有對與錯,只有愛與不愛 願你們快樂