Japan Q. (10 maths!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~)
Q!.Capital City? Q2.Weather? Q3.Religion? Q4.language? Q5.Currency? Q6.time Zone? Q7.vseful tel Nos? Q8.Culture Q9.festivals? Q10food? Q.11drink? 更新: fast!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Q!.Capital City? The capital city of Japan is Tokyo 日本首都是東京 Q2.Weather? Most of Japan fall within the temperate zone. It is heavily influenced by monsoon climate, with distinctly different weathers in the four seasons. 日本大部份地方處於温帶, 氣候受季候風影響, 四季分明 Q3.Religion? Most Japanese practice Shintoism and Buddhism. 大部份日本人信奉神道教和佛教 Q4.language? The Japanese speak Japanese. 日本的語言是日語. Q5.Currency? The currency of Japan is Japanese Yen. 日本的貨幣是日圓. Q6.time Zone? The time zone of Japan is 9 hours ahead of UCT. 日本的時區比國際時區早9小時 Q7.vseful tel Nos? Emergency no. in Japan in 119. 日本的緊急電話號碼是119. Q8.Culture Traditional forms of arts include Noh opera, kabuki opera, Judo martial art, tea ceremony, and so on. The popular culture of Japan like manga and music has a great influence in other countries in Asia. 日本的傳統藝術有能劇, 歌舞伎, 柔道, 茶道等. 日本的流行文化如漫畫和音樂等對亞洲各國有很大的影響. Q9.festivals? Japanese in different parts of the country celebrate vaious festivals. But most people celebrate new year in January. 日本各地各有當地的慶祝節日. 大部份日本人都慶祝西曆新年. Q10food? Rice is the staple food in Japan. They like seafood like sashimi and sushi. Noodle like ramen and udon are also very popular. 日本主食是米飯. 他們多吃海鮮, 如刺身和壽司等. 拉麵和烏冬等麵類也很流行. Q.11drink? Tea is the traditional drink in Japan. The traditional wine of Japan called Sake is made from rice. 傳統上日本人多喝茶. 日式的清酒以米釀製. enough?