點先可以令到話題多d aa(急)
成日都唔知同d fd 講乜好a 唉 真係好煩a !有咩方法可以令我多話題a
首先傾下d係共同o既話題~例如話你同你dfd係做工時識o既~咁你可以同佢地講下d返工時的事、同事講過的事、返工時好笑的經驗等..之後就可以將呢d話題擴大到其他部分了~ 當你係times到做sales的,你可以話︰有日我見到d自由行一字排開咁”某”係到,好樣衰~ then你個fd就會回應你~ then你又可以反應話大陸d人都係咁的.. 一段談話,要講出事實(例如︰我中意睇魔盜王)、then要有原因(例如︰因為我中意johnnydepp),同問返對方意見(例如︰你想唔想睇),加上有少少幽默,擴張話題.. 咁樣傾下傾下,就會有好多話題的了~ 又或者多d問下對方意見,等對方覺得你係想聽佢講下野的~再加上自己的意見咁~就可以傾到好耐好耐的了~
In fact, when u see something in anywhere (whatever u see), talk about that thing WHEN, WHERE, WHAT you have done. For example, I saw a pen, talk about pen. Then think what things is related to pen?? e.g. HKCEE!! Then talk about yr CE experience, is it hard or easy?! And ask him/her what do u think about? THEN topic to topic.. which means after talking CE, changing to another topic. How? Think about what thing is related to CE. E.g. During CE, I always play computer games!! So..change the topic to computer games... and many many things you can talk then using this [relationship method] =_______= v!!! It is useful for me... Hope will be useful for u too...!