ab型的紅血球(rbc)有a,b抗原,血中冇抗體. o型的紅血球(rbc)沒有抗原,血中有a,b抗體. o型血沒有抗原,可以捐給所以人(包括ab) ab型血有a,b抗原,只可以捐給ab型的人 若捐錯,血會凝結. 但若我將ab型和o型血mix,不計血小板的作用. 血會否凝結??請解釋. 而且,o的血捐給ab,ab血有抗原,o血有抗體,血在人身體中mix了,不就有問題出現了嗎??
o的血捐給ab,ab血有抗原,o血有抗體,血在人身體中mix了,不就有問題出現了嗎?? there is a dilution effect of the antibodies presented in the serum of O blood, if it's transfused into a body. because the transfused blood only made up a small portion of thge blood volume of the whole body, the antibodies from O blood is diluted out and would not caused significant clumpping effect on the AB rbc, if any. antibodies has much lower effect with it's diluted. but on the contrary, if AB blood is transfused into a person with O blood, significant agglutinnation will occur. as anti-a and anti-b are in high concentration, ALL transfused blood will be agglutinated int his case. ab型和o型血mix,不計血小板的作用. 血會否凝結?? however, if the 2 types of blood is mixed in equal amount, e.g. in vitro,significant clumpping effect may arise as there is no dilution effet. if the blood is exposed to the air, the platlet will definitely react to clot the blood, no matter if the blood is mixed with another type of blood or not. to avoid this, u can add citrate, then the blood will stay in fluid state.
Yes, kathy is right. Clear and concise.