chemistry_mole 問題mc兩條,有答案問過程
Q1:a mixture of iroon(ll) nitrate and iron(ll) carbonate contain 1.0 mole of nitrata ions and 1.2mole of iron(ll)ions.what is the number of moles of carbonate ions?a0.2b0.7(點解係呢個答案?)c1.4d1.7Q2:what mass of iron is obtained when 0.60 mole of iron(lll)oxide arecompletely reduced by carbon... 顯示更多 Q1:a mixture of iroon(ll) nitrate and iron(ll) carbonate contain 1.0 mole of nitrata ions and 1.2mole of iron(ll)ions.what is the number of moles of carbonate ions? a0.2 b0.7(點解係呢個答案?) c1.4 d1.7 Q2:what mass of iron is obtained when 0.60 mole of iron(lll)oxide are completely reduced by carbon monoxide? (relative atomic massed:O=16.0,Fe=56.0) A33.60g B43.23g C67.20g(點解係呢個答案?) D96.10g 更新: 2 Fe2O3 + 2 CO ---> 4 Fe + 4 CO2 你好似balance錯左喎
Q1: 可分開黎睇mixture入面既ions, 首先係iron(ll) nitrate : Fe(NO3)2 Fe2+ 2NO3- let the no. of mole of Fe2+ : x and that of NO3-: 2x 然後iron(ll) carbonate : FeCO3 Fe2+ CO3 2- let the no. of mole of Fe2+ : y and that of CO3 2- : y no. of mole of NO3- = 1.0 2x = 1.0 x = 0.5 no. of mole of Fe2+ = 1.2 x+y = 1.2 y = 0.7 no. of mole of carbonate ions = y = 0.7 Q2: 2 Fe2O3 + 2 CO ---> 4 Fe + 4 CO2 mole ratio of Fe2O3 : Fe 1 : 2 no. of mole of Fe = no. of mole of Fe2O3 x 2 =0.60 x 2 =1.20 mass of Fe = no. of mole x molar mass = 1.20 x 56.0 = 67.20g 2008-03-03 16:02:01 補充: sorry~~係balance錯左=0= 應該係咁: Fe2O3 + 3 CO --->2 Fe + 3 CO2 不過mole ratio of Fe2O3 : Fe 都係1 : 2, 所以計法一樣= =