facebook下邊的menu bar HTML怎樣做?
最近facebook下邊加了一個固定的功能表, 無論怎樣滾動頁面, 那個功能表也不會移位, 可以用樣式表(CSS)做出來嗎? 我在網上找到的劇本(javascript)要靠設定間距set interval來計算並移正功能表, 是會有走位的現像, 我相信一定有其他辦法的.
Fixed layer with CSS "overflow: auto" This is a simulation of CSS "position: fixed" for MSIE. The main text on this page is contained in a 100% high, scrollable
facebook下邊的menu bar HTML怎樣做?
最近facebook下邊加了一個固定的功能表, 無論怎樣滾動頁面, 那個功能表也不會移位, 可以用樣式表(CSS)做出來嗎? 我在網上找到的劇本(javascript)要靠設定間距set interval來計算並移正功能表, 是會有走位的現像, 我相信一定有其他辦法的.
最佳解答:Fixed layer with CSS "overflow: auto" This is a simulation of CSS "position: fixed" for MSIE. The main text on this page is contained in a 100% high, scrollable
. The scrollbar belongs to the
, not to the . The ordinary content is found in the fixed green box. All HTML and CSS on this page should follow the W3C spec except overflow-y: hidden, which is used for cosmetical purposes in earlier IE versions. ********************************
Fixed layer with CSS "overflow: auto"
This is a simulation of CSS "position: fixed" for MSIE. The main text on this page is contained in a 100% high, scrollable. The scrollbar belongs to the , not to the
. The ordinary
content is found in the fixed green box. All HTML and CSS on this page should follow the W3C spec except overflow-y: hidden
, which is used for cosmetical purposes in earlier IE versions.
用 layer ID="layerName" LEFT="pixelPosition" TOP="pixelPosition" PAGEX ="pageX" PAGE"="pageY" SRC="file" Z-INDEX="n" ABOVE="layername" BELOW="layername" WIDTH="width" HEIGHT="height" CLIP="n,n,n,n" VISIBILITY="visibility" BGCOLOR="color" BACKGROUND="imageURL" OnMouseOver="JScode" OnMouseOut="JScode" OnFocus="JScode" OnBlur="JScode" OnLoad="JScode"