F.2 maths
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ABOUT SIMPLE INTEREST & COMPOUND INTEREST5)If the interest rate is increased from 7% p.a. to 8% p.a. , one will gwt $200more for the simple interest in a year. Find the amount of principal.6)At what interestrate wil a sum of money double itself in ten years at a simple interest?7)Find the compound... 顯示更多 ABOUT SIMPLE INTEREST & COMPOUND INTEREST 5)If the interest rate is increased from 7% p.a. to 8% p.a. , one will gwt $200more for the simple interest in a year. Find the amount of principal. 6)At what interestrate wil a sum of money double itself in ten years at a simple interest? 7)Find the compound interest in %15000 for 3 years at 9% p.a. compounded yearly. 8)Find the difference between the simple and compound interest payable yearly on $40000 for 3 years at 9% p.a. .... 11)Find the total amount on a deposit of $20000 for 2 years at 8% p.a. compounded quarterly. 答得幾多得幾多..so thx!!
5) the amount of principal = 200 / (8%-7%) = $20000 6) Let x% be the interest rate. $y be the principal. y+(y*x%*10) = 2y x%*10 = 1 x% = 0.1 x = 10 Therefore the required interest rate is 10% 7) The compound interest = 15000 x 109%^3 - 15000 = $4424.435 8) The required difference = 40000 x 109%^3 - 40000 - 40000 x 9% x 3 = $1001.16 11) amount = 20000 x 102%^8 = $23901.85 (2 decimal place)