I would like to buy a router, please recommend the best choice under the following conditions: 1. Home use for 1 desk top computers and 2 notebooks. 2. Flat area 660 sq.ft. 3. Budget : a) under $400, b) $400 - $600 4. Wireless G or Wireless N is suggested ? 5. Reliable and stable. Thanks.
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1. Home use for 1 desk top computers and 2 notebooks. 絕對唔成問題 2. Flat area 660 sq.ft. 普遍黎講 router 係預你 100m 空地 3. Budget : a) under $400, b) $400 - $600 屋企的話 用二百零蚊既 router 都ok 架喇 4. Wireless G or Wireless N is suggested ? 其實睇你用咩速度上網比個例: 你係用hkbn 100mb 就要用 N ROUTER 如果你係用PCCW 既 10MB 就用G 分別係G 上限係 54M WIRELESS N 係 128MB 係上限(冇記錯的話 ,如果錯都差唔多係呢個數) 5. Reliable and stable. 平平地的話介紹你兩個Brand 1. TP-LINK 2. D-LINK 希望對你有幫助啦