




化學單位換算問題1. Copper has a density of 8.94g/cm3. If a factory has an ingot of copper with a mass of 125 pounds, and the ingot is drawn into wire with a diameter of 9.50mm, how many feet of wire can be produced?2. A swimming pool that is 4.05m wide and 6.10m long has an average depth of 8.0ft. The water solution... 顯示更多 化學單位換算問題 1. Copper has a density of 8.94g/cm3. If a factory has an ingot of copper with a mass of 125 pounds, and the ingot is drawn into wire with a diameter of 9.50mm, how many feet of wire can be produced? 2. A swimming pool that is 4.05m wide and 6.10m long has an average depth of 8.0ft. The water solution in the pool (d=1.00g/cm3) contains 0.70% chlorine by mass as a disinfectant. What is the mass of chlorine in the pool? (1m=39.4in). 只是想要確定我算得對不對 第一題答案是294ft嗎? 第二題答案是420kg嗎? 如果不是的話那要怎麼算? 謝謝回答!!


1. Mass of copper = (125 lb) x (453.59 g/lb) = 56700 g Volume of copper wire = (56700 g) / (8.94 g/cm3) = 6342 cm3 Radius of copper wire = (9.50/2 mm) x (1 cm/10 mm) = 0.475 cm Volume of copper wire = π(0.475)2 = 0.7088 cm2 Length of copper wire = (6342/0.7088 cm) x (1 ft/30.48 cm) = 294 ft 2. Depth = (8 x 12 in) x (1 m/39.4 in) = 2.437 m Volume of water = 4.05 x 6.10 x 2.437 m3 = 60.21 m3 Density of water = 1.00 g/cm3 = 1.00 x 106 g/m3 Mass of water = (60.21 m3) x (1.00 x 106 g/m3) = 6.021 x 107 g Mass of chlorine = (6.021 x 107 g) x (0.70%) = 421000 g = 421 kg


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